The project offers homes at prime location which has ground + 22 habitable floors.
It has various lifestyle amenities such as - Kids Pool Area, Jacuzzi, Poolside Deck, Cabana, Outdoor Gym, Entry Social Plaza With Pergola, Sky Lounge, Pavilion, View Deck, Hammock Corner & Reading etc.
Borivali Station & Western Express Highway is within 10-15 mins of range.
Apex Hospital & Phoenix Hospital is within 8-10 mins of range.
1 BHK - 400 sq ft
2 BHK - 600 sq ft
Area Calculator (Converter)
A land area calculator is a useful tool for converting one unit to another.
Land measurements vary across India. If you want to find the equivalent unit of the local term for the unit,
the simplest method is to use a land calculator.