10 Easy-to-Grow Indoor and Outdoor Flowers For Home

Flowers have a magical quality that soothes your senses and instills a positive energy in your home. Discover our selection of indoor and outdoor flowers that are easy to grow at home.

Here are some simple indoor and outdoor flowers for home decor to plant in your home.

Make your home smell fresh with the scent of beautiful flowers. The sight and fragrance of flowers in the home calms the eyes and refreshes the mind. A green environment promotes positivity and tranquillity in the home. Flowers blooming inside and outside your home not only provide freshness, but also add a decorative touch. If you want to decorate your home with flowering plants, consider the flowers listed below.

Best Indoor Flowers for Home Décor 

Houseplants can enhance the beauty of your home’s interior design. They are, as previously stated, inexpensive, simple to maintain, and offer numerous other benefits. Indoor plants are ideal if you don’t have much time to garden but still want to be a plant parent. 

Peace Lily Flowers for Home: An Easy-to-Care Plant 

Peace Lily Flowers for Home: An Easy-to-Care Plant 

Peace lilies are stunning flowers for the home. Peace lilies are very easy to care for and grow. Especially when you compare peace lilies to other indoor plants. One important factor is to avoid overwatering the peace lilies. When the lilies’ leaves and flowers begin to droop, you know it’s time to water them. 

However, if you have pets at home, this may not be the best solution. Peace lilies can be poisonous to your pets. Cats and dogs frequently chew plants, and consuming them can be harmful to them. As a result, flowering plants should be kept out of reach.

Flowers for Home – Hoya, The Wax Plant  

Flowers for Home - Hoya, The Wax Plant  

Hoyas are also known as wax plants. As a result, if you want a beautiful flowering plant for your home, this is the one to choose. Hoya, unlike other flowering plants, is very easy to care for, making it suitable for indoor cultivation.

Hoya Carnosa thrives in a variety of climates. Furthermore, they can survive in low-light conditions. The buds are waxy and star shaped. This is without a doubt one of the best tropical houseplants to own.

Kaffir Lily – Perfect Flowers for Home Decor 

Kaffir Lily - Perfect Flowers for Home Decor 

Many indoor flowering plants need full or partial sunlight. In contrast, Kaffir Lily thrives in shade. If cared for properly, this plant can produce long, branching leaves. For an indoor house plant, it is quite tall. Kaffir Lilies, like Peace Lilies, should be kept out of the reach of pets.

Crown of Thorns – Hardy Succulent Flowers for Home 

Crown of Thorns - Hardy Succulent Flowers for Home 

A Crown of Thorns is one of the best flowers for your home. It has tender leaves and delicate flowers. The plant is a hardy succulent. The Crown of Thorns plant can survive without water for a few days. Furthermore, the Crown of Thorns plant has a lot of thorns. Thus, you must keep it away from your pets and children. 

Gloxinia Easy-to-Grow Flowers for Home

Gloxinia Easy-to-Grow Flowers for Home

A true indoor flowering plant that prefers bright indirect lighting but cannot tolerate direct sunlight. It is best to keep them in brightly lit rooms with windows facing south or west. Maintain moist soil and avoid wetting the foliage; wet leaves result in brown spots. If the plants are allowed to dry out after blooming, they will become dormant in cold temperatures, only to reappear when the weather warms up.

Beautiful Outdoor Flowers for Home Garden 

Several plants bloom with the proper amount of sunlight and care. Well-known foliage plants, such as Monstera and snake plants, are known to produce flowers in their natural environment. Many flowering plants can be grown in sunny window boxes and balconies; here are a few of the most popular.

Vibrant and Fragrant Rose Flowers for Home 

Vibrant and Fragrant Rose Flowers for Home 

A flower garden is incomplete without a rose plant. There is a rose for every home, whether you like the sturdy Dutch roses, the whimsical Indian roses, the creeping roses, or the button roses. 

The rose plant prefers partial to full sunlight and rich, well-drained soil. To grow a bushy plant with lots of blooms, avoid wetting the foliage when watering and prune regularly. Fertilise every two weeks with a balanced fertiliser. Ground-up onion peels make an excellent fertiliser for rose plants.

Black Eyed Susan Flowers for Home – Perfect For Indian Climate 

Black Eyed Susan Flowers for Home - Perfect For Indian Climate 

The Black Eyed Susan thrives in the warm Indian climate, with its cheerful yellow blooms and almost black centre. To reach its full potential, this vining plant needs full sun. Water on a regular basis until the plant becomes established, and then only when the topsoil is dry to the touch. Always remove faded flowers to keep the plant looking neat and to encourage more blooms.

Beautiful Blooming Bush of Hydrangeas Flowers for Home 

Beautiful Blooming Bush of Hydrangeas Flowers for Home 

These unusually large, clustered flowers remain rare, but everyone who knows them adores them. They do not need full sun and can thrive in morning or dappled sunlight throughout the day. Plant them in loose soil with plenty of compost, but keep them well ventilated. When kept out of direct sunlight, Hydrangea plants have a good chance of blooming during the summer. 

Fragrant Jasmine Flowers for Home 

Fragrant Jasmine Flowers for Home 

You can select from a variety of Jasmine or Mogra plant types. For the most part, their treatment is straightforward. Jasmine plants thrive in full sun and prefer to remain moist. Once the flowers have faded, deadhead them and happily prune them to encourage faster growth and more flowers. Fertilise every few weeks and water when the topsoil becomes dry, but do not allow it to completely dry out.

Magnificent Marigold Flowers For Home 

Magnificent Marigold Flowers For Home 

Marigolds deserve a place in your garden. The plant can be found in most Indian homes because the beautiful flowers are used in many religious rituals. These vibrant yellow, orange, and red flowers are also used to repel pests. 

Marigolds require six to eight hours of direct sunlight per day for optimal growth. Additionally, they require well-drained soil and moderate watering.

Furthermore, these flowers are known to bring positive energy and abundance into the home while also creating a peaceful environment.

Plant Care Tips for Flowering Plants

Here are some general flowering plant care guidelines.

It is commonly observed that plants with flowers require more sunlight than plants without flowers. 

Furthermore, it is frequently observed that plants with flowers require more natural light and water to thrive. As a result, make sure to address these concerns. 

When faded flowers begin to wither on the stem, prune them to the next leaf node immediately. This encourages branching and flowering.

Fertilize your flowers with a well-balanced fertilizer to ensure healthy blooms all season long. 

Fertilize the plants before the flowering season starts and then every 2 to 3 weeks during the flowering season. Do not fertilize your plants too frequently, especially during the dormant season.

Summing Up on Indoor & Outdoor Flowers for Home 

Keeping indoor plants or flowers at home is a recent trend. People are increasingly interested in becoming plant parents. They spend a lot of time looking for beautiful, easy-to-grow plants to decorate their homes. 

Flowering plants are generally easy to grow at home. You can simply place these flower pots on the balcony in large or small pots as needed. In addition to the flowering plants listed above, there are many others that can be grown at home. 


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